@ -234,29 +234,6 @@ public interface DeviceChannelMapper {
List<DeviceChannel> queryChannelsByDeviceDbId(@Param("deviceDbId") int deviceDbId);
@Select(value = {" <script>" +
" SELECT " +
" dc.*, " +
" de.name as device_name, " +
" de.on_line as device_online " +
" from " +
" wvp_device_channel dc " +
" LEFT JOIN wvp_device de ON dc.device_db_id = de.id " +
" WHERE 1=1" +
" <if test='deviceId != null'> AND de.device_id = #{deviceId} </if> " +
" <if test='query != null'> AND (dc.device_id LIKE '%${query}%' OR dc.name LIKE '%${query}%' OR dc.name LIKE '%${query}%')</if> " +
" <if test='parentChannelId != null'> AND dc.parent_id=#{parentChannelId} </if> " +
" <if test='online == true' > AND dc.status='ON'</if>" +
" <if test='online == false' > AND dc.status='OFF'</if>" +
" <if test='hasSubChannel == true' > AND dc.sub_count > 0 </if>" +
" <if test='hasSubChannel == false' > AND dc.sub_count = 0 </if>" +
"<if test='channelIds != null'> AND dc.device_id in <foreach item='item' index='index' collection='channelIds' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>" +
"#{item} " +
"</foreach> </if>" +
"ORDER BY dc.device_id ASC" +
" </script>"})
List<DeviceChannelExtend> queryChannelsWithDeviceInfo(@Param("deviceId") String deviceId, @Param("parentChannelId") String parentChannelId, @Param("query") String query, @Param("hasSubChannel") Boolean hasSubChannel, @Param("online") Boolean online, @Param("channelIds") List<String> channelIds);
@Select("SELECT " +
" dc.id,\n" +
" dc.device_db_id,\n" +
@ -313,6 +290,58 @@ public interface DeviceChannelMapper {
@Delete("DELETE FROM wvp_device_channel WHERE id=#{id}")
int del(@Param("id") int id);
@Select(value = {" <script>" +
" SELECT " +
" dc.id,\n" +
" dc.create_time,\n" +
" dc.update_time,\n" +
" dc.sub_count,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_device_id, dc.device_id) as channel_id,\n" +
" de.device_id as device_id,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_name, dc.name) as name,\n" +
" de.name as device_name,\n" +
" de.on_line as device_online,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_manufacturer, dc.manufacturer) as manufacture,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_model, dc.model) as model,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_owner, dc.owner) as owner,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_civil_code, dc.civil_code) as civil_code,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_block, dc.block) as block,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_address, dc.address) as address,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_parental, dc.parental) as parental,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_parent_id, dc.parent_id) as parent_id,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_safety_way, dc.safety_way) as safety_way,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_register_way, dc.register_way) as register_way,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_cert_num, dc.cert_num) as cert_num,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_certifiable, dc.certifiable) as certifiable,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_err_code, dc.err_code) as err_code,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_end_time, dc.end_time) as end_time,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_secrecy, dc.secrecy) as secrecy,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_ip_address, dc.ip_address) as ip_address,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_port, dc.port) as port,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_password, dc.password) as password,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_ptz_type, dc.ptz_type) as ptz_type,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_status, dc.status) as status,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_longitude, dc.longitude) as longitude,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_latitude, dc.latitude) as latitude,\n" +
" coalesce(dc.gb_business_group_id, dc.business_group_id) as business_group_id " +
" from " +
" wvp_device_channel dc " +
" LEFT JOIN wvp_device de ON dc.device_db_id = de.id " +
" WHERE 1=1" +
" <if test='deviceId != null'> AND de.device_id = #{deviceId} </if> " +
" <if test='query != null'> AND (dc.device_id LIKE '%${query}%' OR dc.name LIKE '%${query}%' OR dc.name LIKE '%${query}%')</if> " +
" <if test='parentChannelId != null'> AND dc.parent_id=#{parentChannelId} </if> " +
" <if test='online == true' > AND dc.status='ON'</if>" +
" <if test='online == false' > AND dc.status='OFF'</if>" +
" <if test='hasSubChannel == true' > AND dc.sub_count > 0 </if>" +
" <if test='hasSubChannel == false' > AND dc.sub_count = 0 </if>" +
"<if test='channelIds != null'> AND dc.device_id in <foreach item='item' index='index' collection='channelIds' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>" +
"#{item} " +
"</foreach> </if>" +
"ORDER BY dc.device_id ASC" +
" </script>"})
List<DeviceChannelExtend> queryChannelsWithDeviceInfo(@Param("deviceId") String deviceId, @Param("parentChannelId") String parentChannelId, @Param("query") String query, @Param("hasSubChannel") Boolean hasSubChannel, @Param("online") Boolean online, @Param("channelIds") List<String> channelIds);
@Update(value = {"UPDATE wvp_device_channel SET stream_id=null WHERE device_db_id=#{deviceId} AND device_id=#{channelId}"})
void stopPlay(@Param("deviceId") int deviceId, @Param("channelId") String channelId);
@ -149,7 +149,6 @@ public interface PlatformChannelMapper {
" <if test='online == false'> AND coalesce(wpgc.status, wdc.gb_status, wdc.status) = 'OFF'</if> " +
" <if test='hasShare == true'> AND wpgc.platform_id = #{platformId}</if> " +
" <if test='hasShare == false'> AND wpgc.platform_id is null</if> " +
List<PlatformChannel> queryForPlatformForWebList(@Param("platformId") Integer platformId, @Param("query") String query,
@Param("online") Boolean online, @Param("hasShare") Boolean hasShare);
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ public interface PlatformMapper {
" FROM wvp_platform pp where 1=1 " +
" <if test='query != null'> " +
" AND (pp.name LIKE concat('%',#{query},'%') OR pp.server_gb_id LIKE concat('%',#{query},'%') )</if> " +
" order by pp.id desc"+
" </script>")
List<Platform> queryList(@Param("query") String query);
@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ public class PlatformChannelServiceImpl implements IPlatformChannelService {
SubscribeInfo subscribeInfo = SubscribeInfo.buildSimulated(platform.getServerGBId(), platform.getServerIp());
try {
sipCommanderFroPlatform.sendNotifyForCatalogAddOrUpdate(CatalogEvent.UPDATE, platform, channelList, subscribeInfo, null);
sipCommanderFroPlatform.sendNotifyForCatalogAddOrUpdate(CatalogEvent.ADD, platform, channelList, subscribeInfo, null);
} catch (InvalidArgumentException | ParseException | NoSuchFieldException |
SipException | IllegalAccessException e) {
log.error("[命令发送失败] 国标级联 Catalog通知: {}", e.getMessage());
Reference in New Issue