@ -67,11 +67,12 @@ public interface DeviceChannelMapper {
", download_speed=#{downloadSpeed}" +
", svc_space_support_mod=#{svcSpaceSupportMod}" +
", svc_time_support_mode=#{svcTimeSupportMode}" +
", sub_count, stream_id=#{subCount, streamId}" +
", sub_count=#{subCount}" +
", stream_id=#{streamId}" +
", has_audio=#{hasAudio}" +
", gps_time=#{gpsTime}" +
", stream_identification=#{streamIdentification}" +
"WHERE id=#{id}" +
"WHERE id=#{id}" +
" </script>" } )
int update ( DeviceChannel channel ) ;
@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ public interface DeviceChannelMapper {
", gb_download_speed = #{gbDownloadSpeed}" +
", gb_svc_space_support_mod = #{gbSvcSpaceSupportMod}" +
", gb_svc_time_support_mode = #{gbSvcTimeSupportMode}" +
"WHERE id = #{id}" +
"WHERE id = #{id}" +
" </script>" } )
int updateCustomInfo ( DeviceChannel channel ) ;
@ -231,7 +232,6 @@ public interface DeviceChannelMapper {
List < DeviceChannel > queryChannelsByDeviceDbId ( @Param ( "deviceDbId" ) int deviceDbId ) ;
@Select ( value = { " <script>" +
"dc.*, " +
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ public interface DeviceChannelMapper {
" FROM wvp_device_channel dc " +
" left join wvp_device d on d.id=dc.device_db_id" +
" WHERE d.device_id=#{deviceId} AND dc.device_id=#{channelId}" )
DeviceChannel queryChannel ( @Param ( "deviceId" ) String deviceId , @Param ( "channelId" ) String channelId ) ;
DeviceChannel queryChannel ( @Param ( "deviceId" ) String deviceId , @Param ( "channelId" ) String channelId ) ;
@Delete ( "DELETE FROM wvp_device_channel WHERE device_db_id=#{deviceId}" )
int cleanChannelsByDeviceId ( @Param ( "deviceId" ) int deviceId ) ;
@ -319,277 +319,217 @@ public interface DeviceChannelMapper {
@Select ( value = { " <script>" +
" dc.id,\n" +
" dc.channel_id,\n" +
" dc.device_id,\n" +
" COALESCE(dc.custom_name, dc.name) AS name,\n" +
" de.manufacturer,\n" +
" de.host_address,\n" +
" COALESCE(dc.gb_device_id, dc.device_id) AS name,\n" +
" COALESCE(dc.gb_name, dc.name) AS name,\n" +
" COALESCE(dc.gb_manufacturer, dc.manufacturer) AS manufacturer,\n" +
" COALESCE(dc.gb_ip_address, dc.ip_address) AS ip_address,\n" +
" dc.sub_count,\n" +
" pgc.platform_id as platform_id,\n" +
" pgc.catalog_id as catalog_id " +
" FROM wvp_device_channel dc " +
" LEFT JOIN wvp_device de ON dc.device_ id = de.device_ id " +
" LEFT JOIN wvp_device de ON dc.device_ db_ id = de.id " +
" LEFT JOIN wvp_platform_gb_channel pgc on pgc.device_channel_id = dc.id " +
" WHERE 1=1 " +
" <if test='query != null'> AND (dc.channel_id LIKE concat('%',#{query},'%') OR dc.name LIKE concat('%',#{query},'%') OR dc.name LIKE concat('%',#{query},'%'))</if> " +
" <if test='online == true' > AND dc.status=true</if> " +
" <if test='online == false' > AND dc.status=false</if> " +
" <if test='query != null'> " +
"AND " +
"(COALESCE(dc.gb_device_id, dc.device_id) LIKE concat('%',#{query},'%') " +
" OR COALESCE(dc.gb_name, dc.name) LIKE concat('%',#{query},'%'))</if> " +
" <if test='online == true' > AND dc.status=1</if> " +
" <if test='online == false' > AND dc.status=0</if> " +
" <if test='hasSubChannel!= null and hasSubChannel == true' > AND dc.sub_count > 0</if> " +
" <if test='hasSubChannel!= null and hasSubChannel == false' > AND dc.sub_count = 0</if> " +
" <if test='catalogId == null ' > AND dc.id not in (select device_channel_id from wvp_platform_gb_channel where platform_id=#{platformId} ) </if> " +
" <if test='catalogId != null ' > AND pgc.platform_id = #{platformId} and pgc.catalog_id=#{catalogId} </if> " +
" ORDER BY dc.device_id, dc.chann el _id ASC" +
" ORDER BY COALESCE( dc.gb_ device_id, dc.devi ce_id) ASC" +
" </script>" } )
List < ChannelReduce > queryChannelListInAll ( @Param ( "query" ) String query , @Param ( "online" ) Boolean online , @Param ( "hasSubChannel" ) Boolean hasSubChannel , @Param ( "platformId" ) String platformId , @Param ( "catalogId" ) String catalogId ) ;
@Select ( value = { " <script>" +
" dc.*,\n" +
" pgc.platform_id as platform_id,\n" +
" pgc.catalog_id as catalog_id " +
" FROM wvp_device_channel dc " +
" LEFT JOIN wvp_platform_gb_channel pgc on pgc.device_channel_id = dc.id " +
" WHERE pgc.platform_id = #{platformId} " +
" ORDER BY dc.device_id, dc.channel_id ASC" +
" </script>" } )
List < DeviceChannelInPlatform > queryChannelByPlatformId ( String platformId ) ;
@Select ( "SELECT " +
" id,\n" +
" device_db_id,\n" +
" create_time,\n" +
" update_time,\n" +
" sub_count,\n" +
" stream_id,\n" +
" has_audio,\n" +
" gps_time,\n" +
" stream_identification,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_device_id, device_id) as device_id,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_name, name) as name,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_manufacturer, manufacturer) as manufacturer,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_model, model) as model,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_owner, owner) as owner,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_civil_code, civil_code) as civil_code,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_block, block) as block,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_address, address) as address,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_parental, parental) as parental,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_parent_id, parent_id) as parent_id,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_safety_way, safety_way) as safety_way,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_register_way, register_way) as register_way,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_cert_num, cert_num) as cert_num,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_certifiable, certifiable) as certifiable,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_err_code, err_code) as err_code,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_end_time, end_time) as end_time,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_secrecy, secrecy) as secrecy,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_ip_address, ip_address) as ip_address,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_port, port) as port,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_password, password) as password,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_status, status) as status,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_longitude, longitude) as longitude,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_latitude, latitude) as latitude,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_ptz_type, ptz_type) as ptz_type,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_position_type, position_type) as position_type,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_room_type, room_type) as room_type,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_use_type, use_type) as use_type,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_supply_light_type, supply_light_type) as supply_light_type,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_direction_type, direction_type) as direction_type,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_resolution, resolution) as resolution,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_business_group_id, business_group_id) as business_group_id,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_download_speed, download_speed) as download_speed,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_svc_space_support_mod, svc_space_support_mod) as svc_space_support_mod,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_svc_time_support_mode svc_time_support_mode) as svc_time_support_mode\n" +
" FROM wvp_device_channel WHERE device_id=#{channelId}" )
List < DeviceChannel > queryChannelByChannelId ( @Param ( "channelId" ) String channelId ) ;
@Select ( "SELECT * FROM wvp_device_channel WHERE channel_id=#{channelId}" )
List < DeviceChannel > queryChannelByChannelId ( String channelId ) ;
@Update ( value = { "UPDATE wvp_device_channel SET status=false WHERE device_id=#{deviceId} AND channel_id=#{channelId}" } )
void offline ( @Param ( "deviceId" ) String deviceId , @Param ( "channelId" ) String channelId ) ;
@Update ( value = { "UPDATE wvp_device_channel SET status=false WHERE device_id=#{deviceId}" } )
void offlineByDeviceId ( String deviceId ) ;
@Update ( value = { "UPDATE wvp_device_channel SET status=0 WHERE id=#{id}" } )
void offline ( @Param ( "id" ) int id ) ;
@Insert ( "<script> " +
"insert into wvp_device_channel " +
"(channel_id, device_id, name, manufacture, model, owner, civil_code, block, sub_count, " +
" address, parental, parent_id, safety_way, register_way, cert_num, certifiable, err_code, secrecy, " +
" ip_address,port,password,ptz_type,status,stream_id,longitude,latitude,longitude_gcj02,latitude_gcj02," +
" longitude_wgs84,latitude_wgs84,has_audio,create_time,update_time,business_group_id,gps_time,stream_identification)" +
"(device_id, device_db_id, name, manufacture, model, owner, civil_code, block, " +
"address, parental, parent_id, safety_way, register_way, cert_num, certifiable, err_code, end_time, secrecy, " +
"ip_address, port, password, status, longitude, latitude, ptz_type, position_type, room_type, use_type, " +
"supply_light_type, direction_type, resolution, business_group_id, download_speed, svc_space_support_mod, " +
"svc_time_support_mode, create_time, update_time, sub_count, stream_id, has_audio, gps_time, stream_identification) " +
"values " +
"<foreach collection='addChannels' index='index' item='item' separator=','> " +
"(#{item.channelId}, #{item.deviceId}, #{item.name}, #{item.manufacture}, #{item.model}, " +
"#{item.owner}, #{item.civilCode}, #{item.block},#{item.subCount}," +
"#{item.address}, #{item.parental}, #{item.parentId}, #{item.safetyWay}, #{item.registerWay}, " +
"#{item.certNum}, #{item.certifiable}, #{item.errCode}, #{item.secrecy}, " +
"#{item.ipAddress}, #{item.port}, #{item.password}, #{item.ptzType}, #{item.status}, " +
"#{item.streamId}, #{item.longitude}, #{item.latitude},#{item.longitudeGcj02}, " +
"#{item.latitudeGcj02},#{item.longitudeWgs84}, #{item.latitudeWgs84}, #{item.hasAudio}, now(), now(), " +
"#{item.businessGroupId}, #{item.gpsTime}, #{item.streamIdentification}) " +
"(#{item.deviceId}, #{item.deviceDbId}, #{item.name}, #{item.manufacture}, #{item.model}, #{item.owner}, #{item.civilCode}, #{item.block}, " +
"#{item.address}, #{item.parental}, #{item.parentId}, #{item.safetyWay}, #{item.registerWay}, #{item.certNum}, #{item.certifiable}, #{item.errCode}, #{item.endTime}, #{item.secrecy}, " +
"#{item.ipAddress}, #{item.port}, #{item.password}, #{item.status}, #{item.longitude}, #{item.latitude}, #{item.ptzType}, #{item.positionType}, #{item.roomType}, #{item.useType}, " +
"#{item.supplyLightType}, #{item.directionType}, #{item.resolution}, #{item.businessGroupId}, #{item.downloadSpeed}, #{item.svcSpaceSupportMod}," +
" #{item.svcTimeSupportMode}, #{item.createTime}, #{item.updateTime}, #{item.subCount}, #{item.streamId}, #{item.hasAudio}, #{item.gpsTime}, #{item.streamIdentification}) " +
"</foreach> " +
"</script>" )
int batchAdd ( @Param ( "addChannels" ) List < DeviceChannel > addChannels ) ;
@Insert ( "<script> " +
"insert into wvp_device_channel " +
"(channel_id,device_id,name,manufacture,model,owner,civil_code,block,sub_count," +
" address,parental,parent_id,safety_way,register_way,cert_num,certifiable,err_code,secrecy," +
" ip_address,port,password,ptz_type,status,stream_id,longitude,latitude,longitude_gcj02,latitude_gcj02," +
" longitude_wgs84,latitude_wgs84,has_audio,create_time,update_time,business_group_id,gps_time)" +
"values " +
"<foreach collection='addChannels' index='index' item='item' separator=','> " +
"(#{item.channelId}, #{item.deviceId}, #{item.name}, #{item.manufacture}, #{item.model}, " +
"#{item.owner}, #{item.civilCode}, #{item.block},#{item.subCount}," +
"#{item.address}, #{item.parental}, #{item.parentId}, #{item.safetyWay}, #{item.registerWay}, " +
"#{item.certNum}, #{item.certifiable}, #{item.errCode}, #{item.secrecy}, " +
"#{item.ipAddress}, #{item.port}, #{item.password}, #{item.ptzType}, #{item.status}, " +
"#{item.streamId}, #{item.longitude}, #{item.latitude},#{item.longitudeGcj02}, " +
"#{item.latitudeGcj02},#{item.longitudeWgs84}, #{item.latitudeWgs84}, #{item.hasAudio}, now(), now(), " +
"#{item.businessGroupId}, #{item.gpsTime}) " +
"</foreach> " +
"update_time=VALUES(update_time), " +
"name=VALUES(name), " +
"manufacture=VALUES(manufacture), " +
"model=VALUES(model), " +
"owner=VALUES(owner), " +
"civil_code=VALUES(civil_code), " +
"block=VALUES(block), " +
"sub_count=VALUES(sub_count), " +
"address=VALUES(address), " +
"parental=VALUES(parental), " +
"parent_id=VALUES(parent_id), " +
"safety_way=VALUES(safety_way), " +
"register_way=VALUES(register_way), " +
"cert_num=VALUES(cert_num), " +
"certifiable=VALUES(certifiable), " +
"err_code=VALUES(err_code), " +
"secrecy=VALUES(secrecy), " +
"ip_address=VALUES(ip_address), " +
"port=VALUES(port), " +
"password=VALUES(password), " +
"ptz_type=VALUES(ptz_type), " +
"status=VALUES(status), " +
"stream_id=VALUES(stream_id), " +
"longitude=VALUES(longitude), " +
"latitude=VALUES(latitude), " +
"longitude_gcj02=VALUES(longitude_gcj02), " +
"latitude_gcj02=VALUES(latitude_gcj02), " +
"longitude_wgs84=VALUES(longitude_wgs84), " +
"latitude_wgs84=VALUES(latitude_wgs84), " +
"has_audio=VALUES(has_audio), " +
"business_group_id=VALUES(business_group_id), " +
"gps_time=VALUES(gps_time)" +
"</script>" )
int batchAddOrUpdate ( List < DeviceChannel > addChannels ) ;
@Update ( value = { "UPDATE wvp_device_channel SET status=true WHERE device_id=#{deviceId} AND channel_id=#{channelId}" } )
void online ( @Param ( "deviceId" ) String deviceId , @Param ( "channelId" ) String channelId ) ;
@Update ( value = { "UPDATE wvp_device_channel SET status=0 WHERE id=#{id}" } )
void online ( @Param ( "id" ) int id ) ;
@Update ( { "<script>" +
"<foreach collection='updateChannels' item='item' separator=';'>" +
" wvp_device_channel" +
" SET update_time=#{item.updateTime}" +
"<if test='item.name != null'>, name=#{item.name}</if>" +
"<if test='item.manufacture != null'>, manufacture=#{item.manufacture}</if>" +
"<if test='item.model != null'>, model=#{item.model}</if>" +
"<if test='item.owner != null'>, owner=#{item.owner}</if>" +
"<if test='item.civilCode != null'>, civil_code=#{item.civilCode}</if>" +
"<if test='item.block != null'>, block=#{item.block}</if>" +
"<if test='item.subCount != null'>, sub_count=#{item.subCount}</if>" +
"<if test='item.address != null'>, address=#{item.address}</if>" +
"<if test='item.parental != null'>, parental=#{item.parental}</if>" +
"<if test='item.parentId != null'>, parent_id=#{item.parentId}</if>" +
"<if test='item.safetyWay != null'>, safety_way=#{item.safetyWay}</if>" +
"<if test='item.registerWay != null'>, register_way=#{item.registerWay}</if>" +
"<if test='item.certNum != null'>, cert_num=#{item.certNum}</if>" +
"<if test='item.certifiable != null'>, certifiable=#{item.certifiable}</if>" +
"<if test='item.errCode != null'>, err_code=#{item.errCode}</if>" +
"<if test='item.secrecy != null'>, secrecy=#{item.secrecy}</if>" +
"<if test='item.ipAddress != null'>, ip_address=#{item.ipAddress}</if>" +
"<if test='item.port != null'>, port=#{item.port}</if>" +
"<if test='item.password != null'>, password=#{item.password}</if>" +
"<if test='item.ptzType != null'>, ptz_type=#{item.ptzType}</if>" +
"<if test='item.status != null'>, status=#{item.status}</if>" +
"<if test='item.streamId != null'>, stream_id=#{item.streamId}</if>" +
"<if test='item.hasAudio != null'>, has_audio=#{item.hasAudio}</if>" +
"<if test='item.longitude != null'>, longitude=#{item.longitude}</if>" +
"<if test='item.latitude != null'>, latitude=#{item.latitude}</if>" +
"<if test='item.customLongitude != null'>, custom_longitude=#{item.customLongitude}</if>" +
"<if test='item.customLatitude != null'>, custom_latitude=#{item.customLatitude}</if>" +
"<if test='item.longitudeGcj02 != null'>, longitude_gcj02=#{item.longitudeGcj02}</if>" +
"<if test='item.latitudeGcj02 != null'>, latitude_gcj02=#{item.latitudeGcj02}</if>" +
"<if test='item.longitudeWgs84 != null'>, longitude_wgs84=#{item.longitudeWgs84}</if>" +
"<if test='item.latitudeWgs84 != null'>, latitude_wgs84=#{item.latitudeWgs84}</if>" +
"<if test='item.businessGroupId != null'>, business_group_id=#{item.businessGroupId}</if>" +
"<if test='item.gpsTime != null'>, gps_time=#{item.gpsTime}</if>" +
"<if test='item.streamIdentification != null'>, stream_identification=#{item.streamIdentification}</if>" +
"<if test='item.id > 0'>WHERE id=#{item.id}</if>" +
"<if test='item.id == 0 and item.channelId != null '>WHERE device_id=#{item.deviceId} AND channel_id=#{item.channelId}</if>" +
"<if test='item.id == 0 and item.channelId == null '>WHERE device_id=#{item.deviceId}</if>" +
", device_id=#{item.deviceId}" +
", device_db_id=#{item.deviceDbId}" +
", name=#{item.name}" +
", manufacture=#{item.manufacture}" +
", model=#{item.model}" +
", owner=#{item.owner}" +
", civil_code=#{item.civilCode}" +
", block=#{item.block}" +
", address=#{item.address}" +
", parental=#{item.parental}" +
", parent_id=#{item.parentId}" +
", safety_way=#{item.safetyWay}" +
", register_way=#{item.registerWay}" +
", cert_num=#{item.certNum}" +
", certifiable=#{item.certifiable}" +
", err_code=#{item.errCode}" +
", end_time=#{item.endTime}" +
", secrecy=#{item.secrecy}" +
", ip_address=#{item.ipAddress}" +
", port=#{item.port}" +
", password=#{item.password}" +
", status=#{item.status}" +
", longitude=#{item.longitude}" +
", latitude=#{item.latitude}" +
", ptz_type=#{item.ptzType}" +
", position_type=#{item.positionType}" +
", room_type=#{item.roomType}" +
", use_type=#{item.useType}" +
", supply_light_type=#{item.supplyLightType}" +
", direction_type=#{item.directionType}" +
", resolution=#{item.resolution}" +
", business_group_id=#{item.businessGroupId}" +
", download_speed=#{item.downloadSpeed}" +
", svc_space_support_mod=#{item.svcSpaceSupportMod}" +
", svc_time_support_mode=#{item.svcTimeSupportMode}" +
", sub_count=#{item.subCount}" +
", stream_id=#{item.streamId}" +
", has_audio=#{item.hasAudio}" +
", gps_time=#{item.gpsTime}" +
", stream_identification=#{item.streamIdentification}" +
"WHERE id=#{item.id}" +
"</foreach>" +
"</script>" } )
int batchUpdate ( List < DeviceChannel > updateChannels ) ;
@Select ( "SELECT * FROM wvp_device_channel WHERE device_id=#{deviceId} AND status=true" )
List < DeviceChannel > queryOnlineChannelsByDeviceId ( String deviceId ) ;
@Delete ( value = { " <script>" +
"from " +
"wvp_device_channel " +
"WHERE " +
"device_id = #{deviceId} " +
" AND channel_id NOT IN " +
"<foreach collection='channels' item='item' open='(' separator=',' close=')' > #{item.channelId}</foreach>" +
" </script>" } )
int cleanChannelsNotInList ( @Param ( "deviceId" ) String deviceId , @Param ( "channels" ) List < DeviceChannel > channels ) ;
@Update ( " update wvp_device_channel" +
" set sub_count = (select *" +
" from (select count(0)" +
" from wvp_device_channel" +
" where device_id = #{deviceId} and parent_id = #{channelId}) as temp)" +
" where device_id = #{deviceId} " +
" and channel_id = #{channelId}" )
int updateChannelSubCount ( @Param ( "deviceId" ) String deviceId , @Param ( "channelId" ) String channelId ) ;
" where device_db_id = #{deviceDbId} and parent_id = #{channelId}) as temp)" +
" where device_db_id = #{deviceDbId} and device_id = #{channelId}" )
int updateChannelSubCount ( @Param ( "deviceDbId" ) int deviceDbId , @Param ( "channelId" ) String channelId ) ;
@Update ( value = { " <script>" +
"UPDATE wvp_device_channel " +
"SET " +
"latitude=#{latitude}, " +
"longitude=#{longitude}, " +
"longitude_gcj02=#{longitudeGcj02}, " +
"latitude_gcj02=#{latitudeGcj02}, " +
"longitude_wgs84=#{longitudeWgs84}, " +
"latitude_wgs84=#{latitudeWgs84}, " +
"gps_time=#{gpsTime} " +
"WHERE device_id=#{deviceId} " +
" <if test='channelId != null' > AND channel_id=#{channelId}</if>" +
"WHERE id=#{id} " +
" </script>" } )
int updatePosition ( DeviceChannel deviceChannel ) ;
@Select ( "SELECT * FROM wvp_device_channel WHERE length(trim(stream_id)) > 0" )
List < DeviceChannel > getAllChannelInPlay ( ) ;
@Select ( "select * from wvp_device_channel where longitude*latitude > 0 and device_id = #{deviceId}" )
List < DeviceChannel > getAllChannelWithCoordinate ( String deviceId ) ;
@Select ( value = { " <script>" +
"select * " +
"from wvp_device_channel " +
"where device_id=#{deviceId}" +
" <if test='parentId != null and length != null' > and parent_id= #{parentId} or left(channel_id, LENGTH(#{parentId})) = #{parentId} and length(channel_id)=#{length} </if>" +
" <if test='parentId == null and length != null' > and parent_id= #{parentId} or length(channel_id)=#{length} </if>" +
" <if test='parentId == null and length == null' > and parent_id= #{parentId} </if>" +
" <if test='parentId != null and length == null' > and parent_id= #{parentId} or left(channel_id, LENGTH(#{parentId})) = #{parentId} </if>" +
" </script>" } )
List < DeviceChannel > getChannelsWithCivilCodeAndLength ( @Param ( "deviceId" ) String deviceId , @Param ( "parentId" ) String parentId , @Param ( "length" ) Integer length ) ;
@Select ( value = { " <script>" +
"select * " +
"from wvp_device_channel " +
"where device_id=#{deviceId} and length(channel_id)>14 and civil_code=#{parentId}" +
" </script>" } )
List < DeviceChannel > getChannelsByCivilCode ( @Param ( "deviceId" ) String deviceId , @Param ( "parentId" ) String parentId ) ;
@Select ( "select min(length(channel_id)) as minLength " +
"from wvp_device_channel " +
"where device_id=#{deviceId}" )
Integer getChannelMinLength ( String deviceId ) ;
@Select ( "select * from wvp_device_channel where device_id=#{deviceId} and civil_code not in " +
"(select civil_code from wvp_device_channel where device_id=#{deviceId} group by civil_code)" )
List < DeviceChannel > getChannelWithoutCivilCode ( String deviceId ) ;
@Select ( "select * from wvp_device_channel where device_id=#{deviceId} and SUBSTRING(channel_id, 11, 3)=#{typeCode}" )
List < DeviceChannel > getBusinessGroups ( @Param ( "deviceId" ) String deviceId , @Param ( "typeCode" ) String typeCode ) ;
@Select ( "select dc.id, dc.channel_id, dc.device_id, COALESCE(dc.custom_name, dc.name) AS name, dc.manufacture,dc.model,dc.owner, pc.civil_code,dc.block, " +
" dc.address, '0' as parental,'0' as channel_type, pc.id as parent_id, dc.safety_way, dc.register_way,dc.cert_num, dc.certifiable, " +
" dc.err_code,dc.end_time, dc.secrecy, dc.ip_address, dc.port, COALESCE(dc.custom_ptz_type, dc.ptz_type) AS ptz_type, dc.password, dc.status, " +
" COALESCE(dc.custom_longitude, dc.longitude) AS longitude, COALESCE(dc.custom_latitude, dc.latitude) AS latitude, pc.business_group_id " +
" from wvp_device_channel dc" +
" LEFT JOIN wvp_platform_gb_channel pgc on dc.id = pgc.device_channel_id" +
" LEFT JOIN wvp_platform_catalog pc on pgc.catalog_id = pc.id and pgc.platform_id = pc.platform_id" +
" where pgc.platform_id=#{serverGBId}" )
List < DeviceChannel > queryChannelWithCatalog ( String serverGBId ) ;
@Select ( "select * from wvp_device_channel where device_id = #{deviceId}" )
List < DeviceChannel > queryAllChannels ( String deviceId ) ;
@Select ( "select channelId" +
", device_id" +
", latitude" +
", longitude" +
",latitude_wgs84" +
",longitude_wgs84" +
",latitude_gcj02" +
",longitude_gcj02" +
"from wvp_device_channel where device_id = #{deviceId} " +
"and latitude != 0 " +
"and longitude != 0 " +
"and(latitude_gcj02=0 or latitude_wgs84=0 or longitude_wgs84= 0 or longitude_gcj02 = 0)" )
List < DeviceChannel > getChannelsWithoutTransform ( String deviceId ) ;
@Select ( "select " +
" id,\n" +
" device_db_id,\n" +
" create_time,\n" +
" update_time,\n" +
" sub_count,\n" +
" stream_id,\n" +
" has_audio,\n" +
" gps_time,\n" +
" stream_identification,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_device_id, device_id) as device_id,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_name, name) as name,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_manufacturer, manufacturer) as manufacturer,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_model, model) as model,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_owner, owner) as owner,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_civil_code, civil_code) as civil_code,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_block, block) as block,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_address, address) as address,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_parental, parental) as parental,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_parent_id, parent_id) as parent_id,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_safety_way, safety_way) as safety_way,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_register_way, register_way) as register_way,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_cert_num, cert_num) as cert_num,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_certifiable, certifiable) as certifiable,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_err_code, err_code) as err_code,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_end_time, end_time) as end_time,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_secrecy, secrecy) as secrecy,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_ip_address, ip_address) as ip_address,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_port, port) as port,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_password, password) as password,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_status, status) as status,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_longitude, longitude) as longitude,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_latitude, latitude) as latitude,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_ptz_type, ptz_type) as ptz_type,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_position_type, position_type) as position_type,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_room_type, room_type) as room_type,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_use_type, use_type) as use_type,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_supply_light_type, supply_light_type) as supply_light_type,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_direction_type, direction_type) as direction_type,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_resolution, resolution) as resolution,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_business_group_id, business_group_id) as business_group_id,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_download_speed, download_speed) as download_speed,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_svc_space_support_mod, svc_space_support_mod) as svc_space_support_mod,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_svc_time_support_mode svc_time_support_mode) as svc_time_support_mode\n" +
" from wvp_device_channel where device_db_id = #{deviceDbId}" )
List < DeviceChannel > queryAllChannels ( @Param ( "deviceDbId" ) int deviceDbId ) ;
@Select ( "select de.* from wvp_device de left join wvp_device_channel dc on de.device_id = dc.deviceId where dc.channel_id=#{channelId}" )
List < Device > getDeviceByChannelId ( String channelId ) ;
@ -597,21 +537,21 @@ public interface DeviceChannelMapper {
@Delete ( { "<script>" +
"<foreach collection='deleteChannelList' item='item' separator=';'>" +
"DELETE FROM wvp_device_channel WHERE device_ id=#{item.dev iceId} AND channel_id=#{item.channelI d}" +
"DELETE FROM wvp_device_channel WHERE id=#{item.id}" +
"</foreach>" +
"</script>" } )
int batchDel ( @Param ( "deleteChannelList" ) List < DeviceChannel > deleteChannelList ) ;
@Update ( { "<script>" +
"<foreach collection='channels' item='item' separator=';'>" +
"UPDATE wvp_device_channel SET status= true WHERE device_id=#{item.deviceId} AND channel_id=#{item.channelI d}" +
"UPDATE wvp_device_channel SET status= 1 WHERE id=#{item.i d}" +
"</foreach>" +
"</script>" } )
int batchOnline ( @Param ( "channels" ) List < DeviceChannel > channels ) ;
@Update ( { "<script>" +
"<foreach collection='channels' item='item' separator=';'>" +
"UPDATE wvp_device_channel SET status= false WHERE device_id=#{item.deviceId} AND channel_id=#{item.channelI d}" +
"UPDATE wvp_device_channel SET status= 0 WHERE id=#{item.i d}" +
"</foreach>" +
"</script>" } )
int batchOffline ( List < DeviceChannel > channels ) ;
@ -623,60 +563,61 @@ public interface DeviceChannelMapper {
@Select ( "select count(1) from wvp_device_channel" )
int getAllChannelCount ( ) ;
// 设备主子码流逻辑START
@Update ( value = { "UPDATE wvp_device_channel SET stream_id=null WHERE device_id=#{deviceId}" } )
void clearPlay ( String deviceId ) ;
// 设备主子码流逻辑END
@Select ( value = { " <script>" +
"SELECT id,\n" +
" channel_id,\n" +
" COALESCE(custom_name, name) AS name,\n" +
" custom_name,\n" +
" manufacture,\n" +
" model,\n" +
" owner,\n" +
" civil_code,\n" +
" block,\n" +
" address,\n" +
" parent_id,\n" +
" safety_way,\n" +
" register_way,\n" +
" cert_num,\n" +
" certifiable,\n" +
" err_code,\n" +
" end_time,\n" +
" secrecy,\n" +
" ip_address,\n" +
" port,\n" +
" password,\n" +
" COALESCE(custom_ptz_type, ptz_type) AS ptz_type,\n" +
" status,\n" +
" COALESCE(custom_longitude, longitude) AS longitude,\n" +
" COALESCE(custom_latitude, latitude) AS latitude,\n" +
" stream_id,\n" +
" device_id,\n" +
" parental,\n" +
" has_audio,\n" +
" id,\n" +
" device_db_id,\n" +
" create_time,\n" +
" update_time,\n" +
" sub_count,\n" +
" longitude_gcj02,\n" +
" latitude_gcj02,\n" +
" longitude_wgs84,\n" +
" latitude_wgs84,\n" +
" business_group_id,\n" +
" gps_time\n" +
" stream_id,\n" +
" has_audio,\n" +
" gps_time,\n" +
" stream_identification,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_device_id, device_id) as device_id,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_name, name) as name,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_manufacturer, manufacturer) as manufacturer,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_model, model) as model,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_owner, owner) as owner,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_civil_code, civil_code) as civil_code,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_block, block) as block,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_address, address) as address,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_parental, parental) as parental,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_parent_id, parent_id) as parent_id,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_safety_way, safety_way) as safety_way,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_register_way, register_way) as register_way,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_cert_num, cert_num) as cert_num,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_certifiable, certifiable) as certifiable,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_err_code, err_code) as err_code,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_end_time, end_time) as end_time,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_secrecy, secrecy) as secrecy,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_ip_address, ip_address) as ip_address,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_port, port) as port,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_password, password) as password,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_status, status) as status,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_longitude, longitude) as longitude,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_latitude, latitude) as latitude,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_ptz_type, ptz_type) as ptz_type,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_position_type, position_type) as position_type,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_room_type, room_type) as room_type,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_use_type, use_type) as use_type,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_supply_light_type, supply_light_type) as supply_light_type,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_direction_type, direction_type) as direction_type,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_resolution, resolution) as resolution,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_business_group_id, business_group_id) as business_group_id,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_download_speed, download_speed) as download_speed,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_svc_space_support_mod, svc_space_support_mod) as svc_space_support_mod,\n" +
" coalesce(gb_svc_time_support_mode svc_time_support_mode) as svc_time_support_mode\n" +
"from wvp_device_channel " +
"where device_id=#{deviceId}" +
"where device_ db_ id=#{deviceDb Id}" +
" <if test='parentId != null and parentId != deviceId'> and parent_id = #{parentId} </if>" +
" <if test='parentId == null or parentId == deviceId'> and parent_id is null or parent_id = #{deviceId}</if>" +
" <if test='onlyCatalog == true '> and parental = 1 </if>" +
" </script>" } )
List < DeviceChannel > getSubChannelsByDeviceId ( @Param ( "deviceId" ) String deviceId , @Param ( "parentId" ) String parentId , @Param ( "onlyCatalog" ) boolean onlyCatalog ) ;
List < DeviceChannel > getSubChannelsByDeviceId ( @Param ( "device DbId") int deviceDb Id, @Param ( "parentId" ) String parentId , @Param ( "onlyCatalog" ) boolean onlyCatalog ) ;
@Update ( "<script>" +
"UPDATE wvp_device_channel SET stream_identification=#{streamIdentification} WHERE device_id=#{deviceId}" +
" <if test='channelId != null'> and channel_id = #{channelId} </if>" +
"UPDATE wvp_device_channel SET stream_identification=#{streamIdentification} WHERE id=#{id}" +
"</script>" )
void updateChannelStreamIdentification ( DeviceChannel channel ) ;
@ -688,13 +629,9 @@ public interface DeviceChannelMapper {
" SET update_time=#{item.updateTime}" +
"<if test='item.longitude != null'>, longitude=#{item.longitude}</if>" +
"<if test='item.latitude != null'>, latitude=#{item.latitude}</if>" +
"<if test='item.longitudeGcj02 != null'>, longitude_gcj02=#{item.longitudeGcj02}</if>" +
"<if test='item.latitudeGcj02 != null'>, latitude_gcj02=#{item.latitudeGcj02}</if>" +
"<if test='item.longitudeWgs84 != null'>, longitude_wgs84=#{item.longitudeWgs84}</if>" +
"<if test='item.latitudeWgs84 != null'>, latitude_wgs84=#{item.latitudeWgs84}</if>" +
"<if test='item.gpsTime != null'>, gps_time=#{item.gpsTime}</if>" +
"<if test='item.id > 0'>WHERE id=#{item.id}</if>" +
"<if test='item.id == 0'>WHERE device_ id=#{item.deviceId} AND chann el _id=#{item.chann el Id}</if>" +
"<if test='item.id == 0'>WHERE device_db_id=#{item.deviceDbId} AND device_id=#{item.deviceId}</if>" +
"</foreach>" +
"</script>" } )
void batchUpdatePosition ( List < DeviceChannel > channelList ) ;