feat: add vue3(element-plus)
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# 标题
# 项目本地运行端口号
# open 运行 npm run dev 时自动打开浏览器
# 租户开关
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# 本地开发环境
# 请求路径
# 上传路径
# 接口前缀
# 接口地址
# 打包路径
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# 开发环境
# 请求路径
# 上传路径
# 接口前缀
# 接口地址
# 打包路径
# 是否删除debugger
# 是否删除console.log
# 是否sourcemap
# 输出路径
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# 生产环境
# 请求路径
# 上传路径
# 接口前缀
# 接口地址
# 是否删除debugger
# 是否删除console.log
# 是否sourcemap
# 打包路径
# 输出路径
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# 测试环境
# 请求路径
# 上传路径
# 接口前缀
# 接口地址
# 是否删除debugger
# 是否删除console.log
# 是否sourcemap
# 打包路径
# 输出路径
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
// @ts-check
const { defineConfig } = require('eslint-define-config')
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parser: 'vue-eslint-parser',
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"god.tsconfig": "./tsconfig.json"
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
<h1>🌈 yudao-ui-admin-vue3</h1>
## 介绍
- 基于 vue3.2+ ,TypeScript ,Element Plus 2.2.0+ ,Vite3 ,Pinia ,Windicss 等开发的后台管理系统
## 注意事项
- 项目路径请不要使用中文命名!!!会造成解析乱码!!!请使用全英文路径!!!
- node >=14.18.0 ,pnpm >=7
- 开发建议使用 [谷歌浏览器-开发者版](https://www.google.cn/intl/zh-CN/chrome/dev/) 不支持 IE\QQ 等浏览器
### 前端依赖
| 框架 | 说明 | 版本 |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [Vue](https://staging-cn.vuejs.org/) | vue 框架 | 3.2.37 |
| [Vite](https://cn.vitejs.dev//) | 开发与构建工具 | 3.0.1 |
| [Element Plus](https://element-plus.org/zh-CN/) | Element Plus | 2.2.9 |
| [TypeScript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/) | JavaScript 的超集 | 4.7.4 |
| [pinia](https://pinia.vuejs.org/) | Vue 存储库 替代 vuex5 | 2.0.16 |
| [vueuse](https://vueuse.org//) | 常用工具集 | 8.9.4 |
| [vue-i18n](https://kazupon.github.io/vue-i18n/zh/introduction.html/) | 国际化 | 9.1.10 |
| [vue-router](https://router.vuejs.org/) | vue 路由 | 4.1.2 |
| [windicss](https://cn.windicss.org/) | 下一代工具优先的 CSS 框架 | 3.5.6 |
| [iconify](https://icon-sets.iconify.design/) | 在线图标库 | 2.2.1 |
| [wangeditor](https://www.wangeditor.com/) | 富文本编辑器 | 5.1.11 |
## 用法
### 推荐 VScode 开发,插件如下
- WindiCSS IntelliSense WindiCSS --- 自动完成、语法突出显示、代码折叠和构建等高级功能
- TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar) --- 用于 TypeScript 的 Vue 插件
- Vue Language Features (Volar) --- Vue3.0 语法支持
- Iconify IntelliSense --- Iconify 预览和搜索
- i18n Ally --- 国际化智能提示
- Stylelint --- css 格式化
- DotENV --- .env 文件高亮
- Prettier --- 代码格式化
- ESLint --- 脚本代码检查
### 安装 pnpm 并启动项目
# 查看当前 npm 源
npm config ls
# 如果执行上面命令您并未看到 registry = "https://registry.npmjs.org/",说明使用的非npm官方源,请执行下面命令
npm config set registry https://registry.npmjs.org
# 如果您还没安装 pnpm,请执行下面命令
npm install -g pnpm
# mac 用户遇到安装报错请在命令前加上 sudo
# 安装依赖
pnpm install
# 运行项目
pnpm run dev
# 安装一个包
pnpm add 包名
# 卸载一个包
pnpm remove 包名
## 浏览器支持
本地开发推荐使用 `Chrome 80+` 浏览器
支持现代浏览器, 不支持 IE ,QQ 等
| [<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/archive/internet-explorer_9-11/internet-explorer_9-11_48x48.png" alt=" Edge" width="24px" height="24px" />](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)</br>IE | [<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/edge/edge_48x48.png" alt=" Edge" width="24px" height="24px" />](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)</br>Edge | [<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/firefox/firefox_48x48.png" alt="Firefox" width="24px" height="24px" />](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)</br>Firefox | [<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/chrome/chrome_48x48.png" alt="Chrome" width="24px" height="24px" />](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)</br>Chrome | [<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/safari/safari_48x48.png" alt="Safari" width="24px" height="24px" />](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)</br>Safari |
| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| not support | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions |
@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
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content="芋道管理系统 基于 vue3 + CompositionAPI + typescript + vite + element plus 的后台开源免费管理系统!"
content="芋道管理系统 基于 vue3 + CompositionAPI + typescript + vite + element plus 的后台开源免费管理系统!"
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@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
"name": "ruoyi-vue-pro-vue3",
"version": "0.0.154",
"description": "基于vue3、element-plus、typesScript、vite3。",
"author": "xingyu",
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"homepage": "https://gitee.com/zhijiantianya/ruoyi-vue-pro"
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useDesign } from '@/hooks/web/useDesign'
const { getPrefixCls } = useDesign()
const prefixCls = getPrefixCls('{{ name }}')
<div :class="`${prefixCls}-{{ name }}`">{{ upperFirstName }}</div>
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
import {{ upperFirstName }} from './src/{{ upperFirstName }}.vue'
export { {{ upperFirstName }} }
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
const toUpperCase = (str) => str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1)
module.exports = {
description: 'Create vue component',
prompts: [
type: 'input',
name: 'name',
message: '请输入组件名称(Please enter the component name)'
actions: (data) => {
const { name } = data
const upperFirstName = toUpperCase(name)
const actions = []
if (name) {
type: 'add',
path: `./src/components/${upperFirstName}/src/${upperFirstName}.vue`,
templateFile: './plop/component/component.hbs',
data: {
}, {
type: 'add',
path: `./src/components/${upperFirstName}/index.ts`,
templateFile: './plop/component/index.hbs',
data: {
return actions
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
const toUpperCase = (str) => str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1)
module.exports = {
description: 'Create vue view',
prompts: [
type: 'input',
name: 'path',
message: '请输入路径(Please enter a path)',
default: 'views'
type: 'input',
name: 'name',
message: '请输入模块名称(Please enter module name)'
actions: (data) => {
const { name, path } = data
const upperFirstName = toUpperCase(name)
const actions = []
if (name) {
type: 'add',
path: `./src/${path}/${upperFirstName}.vue`,
templateFile: './plop/view/view.hbs',
data: {
return actions
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
<ContentWrap title="{{ upperFirstName }}"> {{ name }} </ContentWrap>
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
const viewGenerator = require('./plop/view/prompt.js')
const componentGenerator = require('./plop/component/prompt.js')
module.exports = function (plop) {
plop.setGenerator('view', viewGenerator)
plop.setGenerator('component', componentGenerator)
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
module.exports = {
plugins: {
autoprefixer: {}
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.2 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 6.2 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import { computed } from 'vue'
import { useAppStore } from '@/store/modules/app'
import { ConfigGlobal } from '@/components/ConfigGlobal'
import { isDark } from '@/utils/is'
import { useDesign } from '@/hooks/web/useDesign'
import { useCache } from '@/hooks/web/useCache'
const { getPrefixCls } = useDesign()
const prefixCls = getPrefixCls('app')
const appStore = useAppStore()
const currentSize = computed(() => appStore.getCurrentSize)
const greyMode = computed(() => appStore.getGreyMode)
const { wsCache } = useCache()
// 根据浏览器当前主题设置系统主题色
const setDefaultTheme = () => {
if (wsCache.get('isDark')) {
const isDarkTheme = isDark()
<ConfigGlobal :size="currentSize">
<RouterView :class="greyMode ? `${prefixCls}-grey-mode` : ''" />
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@prefix-cls: ~'@{namespace}-app';
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width: 100%;
height: 100%;
body {
padding: 0 !important;
margin: 0;
overflow: hidden;
#app {
.@{prefix-cls}-grey-mode {
filter: grayscale(100%);
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import { ApiAccessLogVO } from './types'
// 查询列表API 访问日志
export const getApiAccessLogPageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<ApiAccessLogVO>>({ url: '/infra/api-access-log/page', params })
// 导出API 访问日志
export const exportApiAccessLogApi = (params) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/infra/api-access-log/export-excel', params, responseType: 'blob' })
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
export type ApiAccessLogVO = {
id: number
traceId: string
userId: string
userType: string
applicationName: string
requestMethod: string
requestParams: string
requestUrl: string
beginTime: string
endTIme: string
duration: string
resultCode: number
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import { ApiErrorLogVO } from './types'
// 查询列表API 访问日志
export const getApiErrorLogPageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<ApiErrorLogVO>>({ url: '/infra/api-error-log/page', params })
// 更新 API 错误日志的处理状态
export const updateApiErrorLogPageApi = (id: number, processStatus: number) => {
return defHttp.put({
url: '/infra/api-error-log/update-status?id=' + id + '&processStatus=' + processStatus
// 导出API 访问日志
export const exportApiErrorLogApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/infra/api-error-log/export-excel', params, responseType: 'blob' })
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
export type ApiErrorLogVO = {
id: number
userId: string
userIp: string
userAgent: string
userType: string
applicationName: string
requestMethod: string
requestParams: string
requestUrl: string
exceptionTime: string
exceptionName: string
exceptionStackTrace: string
processUserId: string
processStatus: number
resultCode: number
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { CodegenDetailVO, CodegenPreviewVO, CodegenTableVO, DatabaseTableVO } from './types'
// 查询列表代码生成表定义
export const getCodegenTablePageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<CodegenTableVO>>({ url: '/infra/codegen/table/page', params })
// 查询详情代码生成表定义
export const getCodegenTableApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<CodegenDetailVO>({ url: '/infra/codegen/detail?tableId=' + id })
// 新增代码生成表定义
export const createCodegenTableApi = (params: CodegenTableVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/infra/codegen/create', params })
// 修改代码生成表定义
export const updateCodegenTableApi = (params: CodegenTableVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/infra/codegen/update', params })
// 基于数据库的表结构,同步数据库的表和字段定义
export const syncCodegenFromDBApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/infra/codegen/sync-from-db?tableId=' + id })
// 基于 SQL 建表语句,同步数据库的表和字段定义
export const syncCodegenFromSQLApi = (id: number, sql: string) => {
return defHttp.put({
url: '/infra/codegen/sync-from-sql?tableId=' + id + '&sql=' + sql,
headers: {
'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
// 预览生成代码
export const previewCodegenApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<CodegenPreviewVO[]>({ url: '/infra/codegen/preview?tableId=' + id })
// 下载生成代码
export const downloadCodegenApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/infra/codegen/download?tableId=' + id, responseType: 'blob' })
// 获得表定义
export const getSchemaTableListApi = (params) => {
return defHttp.get<DatabaseTableVO[]>({ url: '/infra/codegen/db/table/list', params })
// 基于数据库的表结构,创建代码生成器的表定义
export const createCodegenListApi = (params) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/infra/codegen/create-list', params })
// 删除代码生成表定义
export const deleteCodegenTableApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/infra/codegen/delete?tableId=' + id })
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
export type CodegenTableVO = {
id: number
dataSourceConfigId: number
scene: number
tableName: string
tableComment: string
remark: string
moduleName: string
businessName: string
className: string
classComment: string
author: string
createTime: string
updateTime: string
templateType: number
parentMenuId: number
export type CodegenColumnVO = {
id: number
tableId: number
columnName: string
dataType: string
columnComment: string
nullable: number
primaryKey: number
autoIncrement: string
ordinalPosition: number
javaType: string
javaField: string
dictType: string
example: string
createOperation: number
updateOperation: number
listOperation: number
listOperationCondition: string
listOperationResult: number
htmlType: string
export type DatabaseTableVO = {
name: string
comment: string
export type CodegenDetailVO = {
table: CodegenTableVO
columns: CodegenColumnVO[]
export type CodegenPreviewVO = {
filePath: string
code: string
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { ConfigVO } from './types'
// 查询参数列表
export const getConfigPageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<ConfigVO>>({ url: '/infra/config/page', params })
// 查询参数详情
export const getConfigApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<ConfigVO>({ url: '/infra/config/get?id=' + id })
// 根据参数键名查询参数值
export const getConfigKeyApi = (configKey: string) => {
return defHttp.get<ConfigVO>({ url: '/infra/config/get-value-by-key?key=' + configKey })
// 新增参数
export const createConfigApi = (params: ConfigVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/infra/config/create', params })
// 修改参数
export const updateConfigApi = (params: ConfigVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/infra/config/update', params })
// 删除参数
export const deleteConfigApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/infra/config/delete?id=' + id })
// 导出参数
export const exportConfigApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/infra/config/export', params, responseType: 'blob' })
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
export type ConfigVO = {
id: number
group: string
name: string
key: string
value: string
type: string
visible: boolean
remark: string
createTime: string
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { DataSourceConfigVO } from './types'
// 查询数据源配置列表
export const getDataSourceConfigListApi = () => {
return defHttp.get<DataSourceConfigVO[]>({ url: '/infra/data-source-config/list' })
// 查询数据源配置详情
export const getDataSourceConfigApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<DataSourceConfigVO>({ url: '/infra/data-source-config/get?id=' + id })
// 新增数据源配置
export const createDataSourceConfigApi = (params: DataSourceConfigVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/infra/data-source-config/create', params })
// 修改数据源配置
export const updateDataSourceConfigApi = (params: DataSourceConfigVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/infra/data-source-config/update', params })
// 删除数据源配置
export const deleteDataSourceConfigApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/infra/data-source-config/delete?id=' + id })
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
export type DataSourceConfigVO = {
id: number
name: string
url: string
username: string
password: string
createTime: string
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
// 导出Html
export const exportHtmlApi = () => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/infra/db-doc/export-html', responseType: 'blob' })
// 导出Word
export const exportWordApi = () => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/infra/db-doc/export-word', responseType: 'blob' })
// 导出Markdown
export const exportMarkdownApi = () => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/infra/db-doc/export-markdown', responseType: 'blob' })
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { FileVO } from './types'
// 查询文件列表
export const getFilePageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<FileVO>>({ url: '/infra/file/page', params })
// 删除文件
export const deleteFileApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/infra/file/delete?id=' + id })
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
export type FileVO = {
id: number
path: string
url: string
size: string
type: string
createTime: string
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { FileConfigVO } from './types'
// 查询文件配置列表
export const getFileConfigPageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<FileConfigVO>>({ url: '/infra/file-config/page', params })
// 查询文件配置详情
export const getFileConfigApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<FileConfigVO>({ url: '/infra/file-config/get?id=' + id })
// 更新文件配置为主配置
export const updateFileConfigMasterApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<FileConfigVO>({ url: '/infra/file-config/update-master?id=' + id })
// 新增文件配置
export const createFileConfigApi = (params: FileConfigVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/infra/file-config/create', params })
// 修改文件配置
export const updateFileConfigApi = (params: FileConfigVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/infra/file-config/update', params })
// 删除文件配置
export const deleteFileConfigApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/infra/file-config/delete?id=' + id })
// 测试文件配置
export const testFileConfigApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/infra/file-config/test?id=' + id })
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
export type ConfigType = {
basePath: string
host: string
port: string
username: string
password: string
mode: string
endpoint: string
bucket: string
accessKey: string
accessSecret: string
domain: string
export type FileConfigVO = {
id: number
name: string
storage: string
primary: number
visible: boolean
config: ConfigType
remark: string
createTime: string
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { JobVO } from './types'
// 任务列表
export const getJobPageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<JobVO>>({ url: '/infra/job/page', params })
// 任务详情
export const getJobApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<JobVO>({ url: '/infra/job/get?id=' + id })
// 新增任务
export const createJobApi = (params: JobVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/infra/job/create', params })
// 修改定时任务调度
export const updateJobApi = (params: JobVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/infra/job/update', params })
// 删除定时任务调度
export const deleteJobApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/infra/job/delete?id=' + id })
// 导出定时任务调度
export const exportJobApi = (params) => {
return defHttp.get({
url: '/infra/job/export-excel',
responseType: 'blob'
// 任务状态修改
export const updateJobStatusApi = (id: number, status: number) => {
const data = {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/infra/job/update-status', data: data })
// 定时任务立即执行一次
export const runJobApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/infra/job/trigger?id=' + id })
// 获得定时任务的下 n 次执行时间
export const getJobNextTimesApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/infra/job/get_next_times?id=' + id })
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
export type JobVO = {
id: number
name: string
status: number
handlerName: string
handlerParam: string
cronExpression: string
retryCount: number
retryInterval: number
monitorTimeout: number
createTime: string
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { JobLogVO } from './types'
// 任务日志列表
export const getJobLogPageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<JobLogVO>>({ url: '/infra/job-log/page', params })
// 任务日志详情
export const getJobLogApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<JobLogVO>({ url: '/infra/job-log/get?id=' + id })
// 导出定时任务日志
export const exportJobLogApi = (params) => {
return defHttp.get({
url: '/infra/job-log/export-excel',
responseType: 'blob'
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
export type JobLogVO = {
id: number
jobId: number
handlerName: string
handlerParam: string
cronExpression: string
executeIndex: string
beginTime: Date
endTime: Date
duration: string
status: number
createTime: string
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import { RedisKeyInfo, RedisMonitorInfoVO } from '@/api/infra/redis/types'
* 获取redis 监控信息
export const redisMonitorInfo = () => {
return defHttp.get<RedisMonitorInfoVO>({ url: '/infra/redis/get-monitor-info' })
* 获取redis key列表
export const redisKeysInfo = () => {
return defHttp.get<RedisKeyInfo[]>({ url: '/infra/redis/get-key-list' })
@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
export interface RedisMonitorInfoVO {
info: RedisInfoVO
dbSize: number
commandStats: RedisCommandStatsVO[]
export interface RedisInfoVO {
io_threaded_reads_processed: string
tracking_clients: string
uptime_in_seconds: string
cluster_connections: string
current_cow_size: string
maxmemory_human: string
aof_last_cow_size: string
master_replid2: string
mem_replication_backlog: string
aof_rewrite_scheduled: string
total_net_input_bytes: string
rss_overhead_ratio: string
hz: string
current_cow_size_age: string
redis_build_id: string
errorstat_BUSYGROUP: string
aof_last_bgrewrite_status: string
multiplexing_api: string
client_recent_max_output_buffer: string
allocator_resident: string
mem_fragmentation_bytes: string
aof_current_size: string
repl_backlog_first_byte_offset: string
tracking_total_prefixes: string
redis_mode: string
redis_git_dirty: string
aof_delayed_fsync: string
allocator_rss_bytes: string
repl_backlog_histlen: string
io_threads_active: string
rss_overhead_bytes: string
total_system_memory: string
loading: string
evicted_keys: string
maxclients: string
cluster_enabled: string
redis_version: string
repl_backlog_active: string
mem_aof_buffer: string
allocator_frag_bytes: string
io_threaded_writes_processed: string
instantaneous_ops_per_sec: string
used_memory_human: string
total_error_replies: string
role: string
maxmemory: string
used_memory_lua: string
rdb_current_bgsave_time_sec: string
used_memory_startup: string
used_cpu_sys_main_thread: string
lazyfree_pending_objects: string
aof_pending_bio_fsync: string
used_memory_dataset_perc: string
allocator_frag_ratio: string
arch_bits: string
used_cpu_user_main_thread: string
mem_clients_normal: string
expired_time_cap_reached_count: string
unexpected_error_replies: string
mem_fragmentation_ratio: string
aof_last_rewrite_time_sec: string
master_replid: string
aof_rewrite_in_progress: string
lru_clock: string
maxmemory_policy: string
run_id: string
latest_fork_usec: string
tracking_total_items: string
total_commands_processed: string
expired_keys: string
errorstat_ERR: string
used_memory: string
module_fork_in_progress: string
errorstat_WRONGPASS: string
aof_buffer_length: string
dump_payload_sanitizations: string
mem_clients_slaves: string
keyspace_misses: string
server_time_usec: string
executable: string
lazyfreed_objects: string
db0: string
used_memory_peak_human: string
keyspace_hits: string
rdb_last_cow_size: string
aof_pending_rewrite: string
used_memory_overhead: string
active_defrag_hits: string
tcp_port: string
uptime_in_days: string
used_memory_peak_perc: string
current_save_keys_processed: string
blocked_clients: string
total_reads_processed: string
expire_cycle_cpu_milliseconds: string
sync_partial_err: string
used_memory_scripts_human: string
aof_current_rewrite_time_sec: string
aof_enabled: string
process_supervised: string
master_repl_offset: string
used_memory_dataset: string
used_cpu_user: string
rdb_last_bgsave_status: string
tracking_total_keys: string
atomicvar_api: string
allocator_rss_ratio: string
client_recent_max_input_buffer: string
clients_in_timeout_table: string
aof_last_write_status: string
mem_allocator: string
used_memory_scripts: string
used_memory_peak: string
process_id: string
master_failover_state: string
errorstat_NOAUTH: string
used_cpu_sys: string
repl_backlog_size: string
connected_slaves: string
current_save_keys_total: string
gcc_version: string
total_system_memory_human: string
sync_full: string
connected_clients: string
module_fork_last_cow_size: string
total_writes_processed: string
allocator_active: string
total_net_output_bytes: string
pubsub_channels: string
current_fork_perc: string
active_defrag_key_hits: string
rdb_changes_since_last_save: string
instantaneous_input_kbps: string
used_memory_rss_human: string
configured_hz: string
expired_stale_perc: string
active_defrag_misses: string
used_cpu_sys_children: string
number_of_cached_scripts: string
sync_partial_ok: string
used_memory_lua_human: string
rdb_last_save_time: string
pubsub_patterns: string
slave_expires_tracked_keys: string
redis_git_sha1: string
used_memory_rss: string
rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec: string
os: string
mem_not_counted_for_evict: string
active_defrag_running: string
rejected_connections: string
aof_rewrite_buffer_length: string
total_forks: string
active_defrag_key_misses: string
allocator_allocated: string
aof_base_size: string
instantaneous_output_kbps: string
second_repl_offset: string
rdb_bgsave_in_progress: string
used_cpu_user_children: string
total_connections_received: string
migrate_cached_sockets: string
export interface RedisCommandStatsVO {
command: string
calls: number
usec: number
export interface RedisKeyInfo {
keyTemplate: string
keyType: string
valueType: string
timeoutType: number
timeout: number
memo: string
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import { getRefreshToken } from '@/utils/auth'
import type { UserLoginVO, TokenType, UserInfoVO } from './types'
export interface CodeImgResult {
captchaOnOff: boolean
img: string
uuid: string
export interface SmsCodeVO {
mobile: string
scene: number
export interface SmsLoginVO {
mobile: string
code: string
// 获取验证码
export const getCodeImgApi = () => {
return defHttp.get<CodeImgResult>({ url: '/system/captcha/get-image' })
// 登录
export const loginApi = (params: UserLoginVO) => {
return defHttp.post<TokenType>({ url: '/system/auth/login', params })
// 刷新访问令牌
export const refreshToken = () => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/system/auth/refresh-token?refreshToken=' + getRefreshToken() })
// 使用租户名,获得租户编号
export const getTenantIdByNameApi = (name: string) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/system/tenant/get-id-by-name?name=' + name })
// 登出
export const loginOutApi = () => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/system/auth/logout' })
// 获取用户权限信息
export const getInfoApi = () => {
return defHttp.get<UserInfoVO>({ url: '/system/auth/get-permission-info' })
// 路由
export const getAsyncRoutesApi = () => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/system/auth/list-menus' })
export const sendSmsCodeApi = (params: SmsCodeVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/system/auth/send-sms-code', params })
// 短信验证码登录
export const smsLoginApi = (params: SmsLoginVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/system/auth/sms-login', params })
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
export type UserLoginVO = {
username: string
password: string
code: string
uuid: string
export type TokenType = {
id: number // 编号
accessToken: string // 访问令牌
refreshToken: string // 刷新令牌
userId: number // 用户编号
userType: number //用户类型
clientId: string //客户端编号
expiresTime: number //过期时间
export type UserVO = {
id: number
username: string
nickname: string
deptId: number
email: string
mobile: string
sex: number
avatar: string
loginIp: string
loginDate: string
export type UserInfoVO = {
permissions: []
roles: []
user: {
avatar: string
id: number
nickname: string
export type TentantNameVO = {
name: string
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { AppVO } from './types'
// 查询列表支付应用
export const getAppPageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<AppVO>>({ url: '/pay/app/page', params })
// 查询详情支付应用
export const getAppApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<AppVO>({ url: '/pay/app/get?id=' + id })
// 新增支付应用
export const createAppApi = (params: AppVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/pay/app/create', params })
// 修改支付应用
export const updateAppApi = (params: AppVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/pay/app/update', params })
// 支付应用信息状态修改
export const changeAppStatusApi = (id: number, status: number) => {
const data = {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/pay/app/update-status', data: data })
// 删除支付应用
export const deleteAppApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/pay/app/delete?id=' + id })
// 导出支付应用
export const exportAppApi = (params) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/pay/app/export-excel', params, responseType: 'blob' })
// 根据商ID称搜索应用列表
export const getAppListByMerchantIdApi = (merchantId: number) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/pay/app/list-merchant-id', params: { merchantId: merchantId } })
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
export type AppVO = {
id: number
name: string
status: number
remark: string
payNotifyUrl: string
refundNotifyUrl: string
merchantName: string
merchantId: number
createTime: string
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { ChannelVO } from './types'
// 查询列表支付渠道
export const getChannelPageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<ChannelVO>>({ url: '/pay/channel/page', params })
// 查询详情支付渠道
export const getChannelApi = (merchantId: number, appId: string, code: string) => {
const params = {
merchantId: merchantId,
appId: appId,
code: code
return defHttp.get<ChannelVO>({ url: '/pay/channel/get-channel', params: params })
// 新增支付渠道
export const createChannelApi = (params: ChannelVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/pay/channel/create', params })
// 修改支付渠道
export const updateChannelApi = (params: ChannelVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/pay/channel/update', params })
// 删除支付渠道
export const deleteChannelApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/pay/channel/delete?id=' + id })
// 导出支付渠道
export const exportChannelApi = (params) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/pay/channel/export-excel', params, responseType: 'blob' })
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
export type ChannelVO = {
id: number
code: string
config: string
status: number
remark: string
feeRate: number
merchantId: number
appId: number
createTime: string
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { MerchantVO } from './types'
// 查询列表支付商户
export const getMerchantPageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<MerchantVO>>({ url: '/pay/merchant/page', params })
// 查询详情支付商户
export const getMerchantApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<MerchantVO>({ url: '/pay/merchant/get?id=' + id })
// 根据商户名称搜索商户列表
export const getMerchantListByNameApi = (name: string) => {
return defHttp.get<MerchantVO>({
url: '/pay/merchant/list-by-name?id=',
params: {
name: name
// 新增支付商户
export const createMerchantApi = (params: MerchantVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/pay/merchant/create', params })
// 修改支付商户
export const updateMerchantApi = (params: MerchantVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/pay/merchant/update', params })
// 删除支付商户
export const deleteMerchantApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/pay/merchant/delete?id=' + id })
// 导出支付商户
export const exportMerchantApi = (params) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/pay/merchant/export-excel', params, responseType: 'blob' })
// 支付商户状态修改
export const changeMerchantStatusApi = (id: number, status: number) => {
const data = {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/pay/merchant/update-status', data: data })
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
export type MerchantVO = {
id: number
no: string
name: string
shortName: string
status: number
remark: string
createTime: string
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { OrderVO } from './types'
// 查询列表支付订单
export const getOrderPageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<OrderVO>>({ url: '/pay/order/page', params })
// 查询详情支付订单
export const getOrderApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<OrderVO>({ url: '/pay/order/get?id=' + id })
// 新增支付订单
export const createOrderApi = (params: OrderVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/pay/order/create', params })
// 修改支付订单
export const updateOrderApi = (params: OrderVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/pay/order/update', params })
// 删除支付订单
export const deleteOrderApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/pay/order/delete?id=' + id })
// 导出支付订单
export const exportOrderApi = (params) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/pay/order/export-excel', params, responseType: 'blob' })
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
export type OrderVO = {
id: number
merchantId: number
appId: number
channelId: number
channelCode: string
merchantOrderId: string
subject: string
body: string
notifyUrl: string
notifyStatus: number
amount: number
channelFeeRate: number
channelFeeAmount: number
status: number
userIp: string
expireTime: string
successTime: string
notifyTime: string
successExtensionId: number
refundStatus: number
refundTimes: number
refundAmount: number
channelUserId: string
channelOrderNo: string
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { RefundVO } from './types'
// 查询列表退款订单
export const getRefundPageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<RefundVO>>({ url: '/pay/refund/page', params })
// 查询详情退款订单
export const getRefundApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<RefundVO>({ url: '/pay/refund/get?id=' + id })
// 新增退款订单
export const createRefundApi = (params: RefundVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/pay/refund/create', params })
// 修改退款订单
export const updateRefundApi = (params: RefundVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/pay/refund/update', params })
// 删除退款订单
export const deleteRefundApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/pay/refund/delete?id=' + id })
// 导出退款订单
export const exportRefundApi = (params) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/pay/refund/export-excel', params, responseType: 'blob' })
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
export type RefundVO = {
id: number
merchantId: number
appId: number
channelId: number
channelCode: string
merchantOrderId: string
subject: string
body: string
notifyUrl: string
notifyStatus: number
amount: number
channelFeeRate: number
channelFeeAmount: number
status: number
userIp: string
expireTime: string
successTime: string
notifyTime: string
successExtensionId: number
refundStatus: number
refundTimes: number
refundAmount: number
channelUserId: string
channelOrderNo: string
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { DeptVO } from './types'
// 查询部门(精简)列表
export const listSimpleDeptApi = () => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/system/dept/list-all-simple' })
// 查询部门列表
export const getDeptPageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<DeptVO>>({ url: '/system/dept/list', params })
// 查询部门详情
export const getDeptApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<DeptVO>({ url: '/system/dept/get?id=' + id })
// 新增部门
export const createDeptApi = (params: DeptVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/system/dept/create', data: params })
// 修改部门
export const updateDeptApi = (params: DeptVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/system/dept/update', data: params })
// 删除部门
export const deleteDeptApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/system/dept/delete?id=' + id })
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
export type DeptVO = {
id: number
name: string
status: number
parentId: number
createTime: string
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { DictDataVO } from './types'
// 查询字典数据(精简)列表
export const listSimpleDictDataApi = () => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/system/dict-data/list-all-simple' })
// 查询字典数据列表
export const getDictDataPageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<DictDataVO>>({ url: '/system/dict-data/page', params })
// 查询字典数据详情
export const getDictDataApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/system/dict-data/get?id=' + id })
// 新增字典数据
export const createDictDataApi = (params: DictDataVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/system/dict-data/create', params })
// 修改字典数据
export const updateDictDataApi = (params: DictDataVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/system/dict-data/update', params })
// 删除字典数据
export const deleteDictDataApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/system/dict-data/delete?id=' + id })
// 导出字典类型数据
export const exportDictDataApi = (params: DictDataVO) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/system/dict-data/export', params })
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { DictTypeVO } from './types'
// 查询字典(精简)列表
export const listSimpleDictTypeApi = () => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/system/dict-type/list-all-simple' })
// 查询字典列表
export const getDictTypePageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<DictTypeVO>>({ url: '/system/dict-type/page', params })
// 查询字典详情
export const getDictTypeApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/system/dict-type/get?id=' + id })
// 新增字典
export const createDictTypeApi = (params: DictTypeVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/system/dict-type/create', params })
// 修改字典
export const updateDictTypeApi = (params: DictTypeVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/system/dict-type/update', params })
// 删除字典
export const deleteDictTypeApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/system/dict-type/delete?id=' + id })
// 导出字典类型
export const exportDictTypeApi = (params: DictTypeVO) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/system/dict-type/export', params })
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
export type DictTypeVO = {
id: number
name: string
type: string
status: number
remark: string
createTime: string
export type DictDataVO = {
id: number
sort: number
label: string
value: string
dictType: string
status: number
colorType: string
cssClass: string
remark: string
createTime: string
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { ErrorCodeVO } from './types'
// 查询错误码列表
export const getErrorCodePageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<ErrorCodeVO>>({ url: '/system/error-code/page', params })
// 查询错误码详情
export const getErrorCodeApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<ErrorCodeVO>({ url: '/system/error-code/get?id=' + id })
// 新增错误码
export const createErrorCodeApi = (params: ErrorCodeVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/system/error-code/create', params })
// 修改错误码
export const updateErrorCodeApi = (params: ErrorCodeVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/system/error-code/update', params })
// 删除错误码
export const deleteErrorCodeApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/system/error-code/delete?id=' + id })
// 导出错误码
export const excelErrorCodeApi = (params) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/system/error-code/export-excel', params, responseType: 'blob' })
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
export type ErrorCodeVO = {
id: number
type: number
applicationName: string
code: number
message: string
memo: string
createTime: string
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { LoginLogVO } from './types'
// 查询登录日志列表
export const getLoginLogPageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<LoginLogVO>>({ url: '/system/login-log/page', params })
// 导出登录日志
export const exportLoginLogApi = (params) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/system/login-log/export', params, responseType: 'blob' })
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
export type LoginLogVO = {
id: number
logType: number
traceId: number
userType: number
username: string
status: number
userIp: string
userAgent: string
createTime: string
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { MenuVO } from './types'
// 查询菜单(精简)列表
export const listSimpleMenusApi = () => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/system/menu/list-all-simple' })
// 查询菜单列表
export const getMenuListApi = (params) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/system/menu/list', params })
// 获取菜单详情
export const getMenuApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<MenuVO>({ url: '/system/menu/get?id=' + id })
// 新增菜单
export const createMenuApi = (params: MenuVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/system/menu/create', params })
// 修改菜单
export const updateMenuApi = (params: MenuVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/system/menu/update', params })
// 删除菜单
export const deleteMenuApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/system/menu/delete?id=' + id })
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
export type MenuVO = {
id: number
name: string
permission: string
type: number
sort: number
parentId: number
path: string
icon: string
component: string
status: number
visible: boolean
keepAlive: boolean
createTime: string
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { NoticeVO } from './types'
// 查询公告列表
export const getNoticePageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<NoticeVO>>({ url: '/system/notice/page', params })
// 查询公告详情
export const getNoticeApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<NoticeVO>({ url: '/system/notice/get?id=' + id })
// 新增公告
export const createNoticeApi = (params: NoticeVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/system/notice/create', params })
// 修改公告
export const updateNoticeApi = (params: NoticeVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/system/notice/update', params })
// 删除公告
export const deleteNoticeApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/system/notice/delete?id=' + id })
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
export type NoticeVO = {
id: number
title: string
type: number
content: string
status: number
remark: string
creator: string
createTime: string
updater: string
updateTime: string
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import { OAuth2ClientVo } from './client.types'
// 查询 OAuth2列表
export const getOAuth2ClientPageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<OAuth2ClientVo>>({ url: '/system/oauth2-client/page', params })
// 查询 OAuth2详情
export const getOAuth2ClientApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<OAuth2ClientVo>({ url: '/system/oauth2-client/get?id=' + id })
// 新增 OAuth2
export const createOAuth2ClientApi = (params: OAuth2ClientVo) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/system/oauth2-client/create', params })
// 修改 OAuth2
export const updateOAuth2ClientApi = (params: OAuth2ClientVo) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/system/oauth2-client/update', params })
// 删除 OAuth2
export const deleteOAuth2ClientApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/system/oauth2-client/delete?id=' + id })
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
export type OAuth2ClientVo = {
id: number
clientId: string
secret: string
name: string
logo: string
description: string
status: number
accessTokenValiditySeconds: number
refreshTokenValiditySeconds: number
redirectUris: string[]
autoApprove: boolean
authorizedGrantTypes: string[]
scopes: string[]
authorities: string[]
resourceIds: string[]
additionalInformation: string
isAdditionalInformationJson: boolean
createTime: string
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import { OAuth2TokenVo } from './token.types'
// 查询 token列表
export const getAccessTokenPageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<OAuth2TokenVo>>({ url: '/system/oauth2-token/page', params })
// 删除 token
export const deleteAccessTokenApi = (accessToken: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/system/oauth2-token/delete?accessToken=' + accessToken })
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
export type OAuth2TokenVo = {
id: number
accessToken: string
refreshToken: string
userId: number
userType: number
clientId: string
createTime: string
expiresTime: string
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { OperateLogVO } from './types'
// 查询操作日志列表
export const getOperateLogPageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<OperateLogVO>>({ url: '/system/operate-log/page', params })
// 导出操作日志
export const exportOperateLogApi = (params) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/system/operate-log/export', params, responseType: 'blob' })
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
export type OperateLogVO = {
id: number
userNickname: string
traceId: string
userId: number
module: string
name: string
type: number
content: string
exts: object
requestMethod: string
requestUrl: string
userIp: string
userAgent: string
javaMethod: string
javaMethodArgs: string
startTime: string
duration: number
resultCode: number
resultMsg: string
resultData: string
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { PostVO } from './types'
// 查询岗位列表
export const getPostPageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<PostVO>>({ url: '/system/post/page', params })
// 获取岗位精简信息列表
export const listSimplePostsApi = () => {
return defHttp.get<PostVO[]>({ url: '/system/post/list-all-simple' })
// 查询岗位详情
export const getPostApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<PostVO>({ url: '/system/post/get?id=' + id })
// 新增岗位
export const createPostApi = (params: PostVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/system/post/create', params })
// 修改岗位
export const updatePostApi = (params: PostVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/system/post/update', params })
// 删除岗位
export const deletePostApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/system/post/delete?id=' + id })
// 导出岗位
export const exportPostApi = (params) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/system/post/export', params, responseType: 'blob' })
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
export type PostVO = {
id: number
name: string
code: string
sort: number
status: number
remark: string
createTime: string
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { RoleVO } from './types'
// 查询角色列表
export const getRolePageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<RoleVO>>({ url: '/system/role/page', params })
// 查询角色详情
export const getRoleApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<RoleVO>({ url: '/system/role/get?id=' + id })
// 新增角色
export const createRoleApi = (params: RoleVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/system/role/create', params })
// 修改角色
export const updateRoleApi = (params: RoleVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/system/role/update', params })
// 修改角色状态
export const updateRoleStatusApi = (params: RoleVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/system/role/update-status', params })
// 删除角色
export const deleteRoleApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/system/role/delete?id=' + id })
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
export type RoleVO = {
id: number
name: string
code: string
sort: number
status: number
type: number
createTime: string
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { SensitiveWordVO } from './types'
// 查询敏感词列表
export const getSensitiveWordPageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<SensitiveWordVO>>({ url: '/system/sensitive-word/page', params })
// 查询敏感词详情
export const getSensitiveWordApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<SensitiveWordVO>({ url: '/system/sensitive-word/get?id=' + id })
// 新增敏感词
export const createSensitiveWordApi = (params: SensitiveWordVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/system/sensitive-word/create', params })
// 修改敏感词
export const updateSensitiveWordApi = (params: SensitiveWordVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/system/sensitive-word/update', params })
// 删除敏感词
export const deleteSensitiveWordApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/system/sensitive-word/delete?id=' + id })
// 导出敏感词
export const exportSensitiveWordApi = (params) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/system/sensitive-word/export', params, responseType: 'blob' })
// 获取所有敏感词的标签数组
export const getSensitiveWordTagsApi = () => {
return defHttp.get<SensitiveWordVO>({ url: '/system/sensitive-word/get-tags' })
// 获得文本所包含的不合法的敏感词数组
export const validateTextApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<SensitiveWordVO>({ url: '/system/sensitive-word/validate-text?' + id })
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
export type SensitiveWordVO = {
id: number
name: string
status: number
description: string
tags: string
type: number
createTime: string
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { SmsChannelVO } from './types'
// 查询短信渠道列表
export const getSmsChannelPageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<SmsChannelVO>>({ url: '/system/sms-channel/page', params })
// 获得短信渠道精简列表
export function getSimpleSmsChannels() {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/system/sms-channel/list-all-simple' })
// 查询短信渠道详情
export const getSmsChannelApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<SmsChannelVO>({ url: '/system/sms-channel/get?id=' + id })
// 新增短信渠道
export const createSmsChannelApi = (params: SmsChannelVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/system/sms-channel/create', params })
// 修改短信渠道
export const updateSmsChannelApi = (params: SmsChannelVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/system/sms-channel/update', params })
// 删除短信渠道
export const deleteSmsChannelApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/system/sms-channel/delete?id=' + id })
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
export type SmsChannelVO = {
id: number
status: number
signature: string
remark: string
apiKey: string
apiSecret: string
callbackUrl: string
createTime: string
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { SmsLogVO } from './types'
// 查询短信日志列表
export const getSmsLogPageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<SmsLogVO>>({ url: '/system/sms-log/page', params })
// 导出短信日志
export const exportSmsLogApi = (params) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/system/sms-log/export', params, responseType: 'blob' })
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
export type SmsLogVO = {
id: number
idchannelId: number
templateId: number
mobile: string
sendStatus: number
receiveStatus: number
createTime: string
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { SmsTemplateVO, SmsSendVO } from './types'
// 查询短信模板列表
export const getSmsTemplatePageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<SmsTemplateVO>>({ url: '/system/sms-template/page', params })
// 查询短信模板详情
export const getSmsTemplateApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<SmsTemplateVO>({ url: '/system/sms-template/get?id=' + id })
// 新增短信模板
export const createSmsTemplateApi = (params: SmsTemplateVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/system/sms-template/create', params })
// 修改短信模板
export const updateSmsTemplateApi = (params: SmsTemplateVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/system/sms-template/update', params })
// 删除短信模板
export const deleteSmsTemplateApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/system/sms-template/delete?id=' + id })
// 发送短信
export function sendSms(params: SmsSendVO) {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/system/sms-template/send-sms', params })
// 导出短信模板
export const exportPostApi = (params) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/system/sms-template/export-excel', params, responseType: 'blob' })
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
export type SmsTemplateVO = {
id: number
type: number
status: number
code: string
name: string
content: string
remark: string
apiTemplateId: string
channelId: number
channelCode: string
createTime: string
export type SmsSendVO = {
mobile: string
templateCode: string
templateParams: string
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { TenantVO } from './types'
// 查询租户列表
export const getTenantPageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<TenantVO>>({ url: '/system/tenant/page', params })
// 查询租户详情
export const getTenantApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<TenantVO>({ url: '/system/tenant/get?id=' + id })
// 新增租户
export const createTenantApi = (params: TenantVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/system/tenant/create', params })
// 修改租户
export const updateTenantApi = (params: TenantVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/system/tenant/update', params })
// 删除租户
export const deleteTenantApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/system/tenant/delete?id=' + id })
// 导出租户
export const exportTenantApi = (params) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/system/tenant/export-excel', params, responseType: 'blob' })
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
export type TenantVO = {
id: number
name: string
packageId: number
contactName: string
contactMobile: string
accountCount: number
expireTime: string
domain: string
status: number
createTime: string
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { TenantPackageVO } from './types'
// 查询租户套餐列表
export const getTenantPackageTypePageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<TenantPackageVO>>({ url: '/system/tenant-package/page', params })
// 获得租户
export const getTenantPackageApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<TenantPackageVO>({ url: '/system/tenant-package/get?id=' + id })
// 新增租户套餐
export const createTenantPackageTypeApi = (params: TenantPackageVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/system/tenant-package/create', params })
// 修改租户套餐
export const updateTenantPackageTypeApi = (params: TenantPackageVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/system/tenant-package/update', params })
// 删除租户套餐
export const deleteTenantPackageTypeApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/system/tenant-package/delete?id=' + id })
// // 获取租户套餐精简信息列表
export const getTenantPackageList = () => {
return defHttp.get({
url: '/system/tenant-package/get-simple-list'
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
export type TenantPackageVO = {
id: number
name: string
status: number
remark: string
creator: string
createTime: string
updater: string
updateTime: string
menuIds: string[]
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import type { UserVO } from './types'
// 查询用户管理列表
export const getUserPageApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.get<PageResult<UserVO>>({ url: '/system/user/page', params })
// 查询用户详情
export const getUserApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.get<UserVO>({ url: '/system/user/get?id=' + id })
// 新增用户
export const createUserApi = (params: UserVO) => {
return defHttp.post({ url: '/system/user/create', params })
// 修改用户
export const updateUserApi = (params: UserVO) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/system/user/update', params })
// 删除用户
export const deleteUserApi = (id: number) => {
return defHttp.delete({ url: '/system/user/delete?id=' + id })
// 导出用户
export const exportUserApi = (params) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/system/user/export', params, responseType: 'blob' })
// 下载用户导入模板
export const importUserTemplateApi = () => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/system/user/get-import-template', responseType: 'blob' })
// 用户密码重置
export const resetUserPwdApi = (userId: number, password: number) => {
const data = {
return defHttp.put({
url: '/system/user/resetPwd',
data: data
// 用户状态修改
export const updateUserStatusApi = (id: number, status: number) => {
const data = {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/system/user/update-status', data: data })
// 查询授权角色
export const getAuthRoleApi = (userId: string) => {
return defHttp.get({ url: '/system/user/authRole/' + userId })
// 保存授权角色
export const updateAuthRoleApi = (data: any) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/system/user/authRole', params: data })
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import { defHttp } from '@/config/axios'
import { ProfileVO } from './types'
// 查询用户个人信息
export const getUserProfileApi = () => {
return defHttp.get<ProfileVO>({ url: '/system/user/profile/get' })
// 修改用户个人信息
export const updateUserProfileApi = ({ params }) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/system/user/profile/update', params })
// 用户密码重置
export const updateUserPwdApi = (oldPassword: string, newPassword: string) => {
return defHttp.put({
url: '/system/user/profile/update-password',
params: {
oldPassword: oldPassword,
newPassword: newPassword
// 用户头像上传
export const uploadAvatarApi = (data) => {
return defHttp.put({ url: '/system/user/profile/update-avatar', data: data })
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
export type ProfileDept = {
id: number
name: string
export type ProfileRole = {
id: number
name: string
export type ProfilePost = {
id: number
name: string
export type SocialUser = {
id: number
type: number
openid: string
token: string
rawTokenInfo: string
nickname: string
avatar: string
rawUserInfo: string
code: string
state: string
export type ProfileVO = {
id: number
username: string
nickname: string
dept: ProfileDept
roles: ProfileRole[]
posts: ProfilePost[]
socialUsers: SocialUser[]
email: string
mobile: string
sex: number
avatar: string
status: number
remark: string
loginIp: string
loginDate: Date
createTime: Date
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